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KELI QS-A is an analog, double shear beam load cell made of alloy steel with rated load of 30t. 

Applications: truck scale, railway scale, blending scale and special scale.


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KELI Double shear beam load cell QS-A 30t

SKU: KK-LC-DESB-KE-QS-A Keli Analog Loadcell
Price available on request. Click on 'Get a Quote' !
  • Please feel free to write to us at  OR call us at +91.9560915555 . 

    1. all types of weights and measures and such weighing and measuring instruments which are not required to be installed or calibrated at the place of use shall be verified in the State of manufacture or import;
    2. all types of weights and measures meant for domestie use shall be verified in the State of manufacture or import;
    3. all non-automatic weighing instruments, upto maximum capacity of 50 kg shall be verified in the State of manufacture or import, if it is not dismantled or do not require calibration before putting into use;
    4. all other weights and measures and such weighing and measuring instruments which are required to be installed or calibrated at the place of use shall be verified and stamped at the place of installation.

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