Truck Scales / Weighbridges

Kanta King is a manufacturer of Truck Scales / Weighbridges and is also an authorized dealer for multiple truck scale manufacturers. If you are looking for a truck scale, you have come to the right place. From concrete deck to steel deck, electronic load cells to hydraulic load cells, analog systems or digital systems, above ground or pit-style truck scale foundations, or many of the other options on the market let us help you and your company match the best truck scale for your specific needs.
We have decades of experience providing turn-key heavy duty truck scale projects including foundations, remote displays, junction boxes, systems integrations, and much more. You can also count on us to provide portable truck scales and portable vehicles scales.
We have a range of load cells and instrumentation/electronics for accurate, commercial (trade) weighing of vehicles driving onto truck scales/weighbridges load cells.
The Background
A truck scale , or weighbridge, is essentially a large platform scale that is used to weigh an entire vehicle, for the purposes of reading the weight of the vehicle before it is filled with material, or after it is emptied. Often a truck scale is a legal-for-trade approved scale used to issue tickets that will be used for commercial (invoicing) purposes. Commercial truck scales must be calibrated by a certified company, using verified and traceable measuring equipment. Therefore truck scale load cells usually need to be approved according to the certified company such as OIML.
For permanent or semi-permanent truck scales/weighbridges the weight readings are usually recorded with equipment located in a nearby hut or office. Most weighbridges are now linked to a PC that runs truck scale software - this controls barriers, traffic lights, RFID card readers, enables the printing of tickets and provides reporting features.
There are various different types of truck scale around the world, with each region tending to favour a particular type. The most common 3 types have from 4-16 load cells and of maximum length 18 or 36 metres, as follows:
Traditional Fabricated Steel; high or low profile design
Pre Stressed, Pre Cast Concrete; low profile design; modular
Poured on Site Concrete; single span or modular steel frame with concrete infill